Sunday, 19 January 2014

Sharing enchantment and fascination with nature.

Am I alone in thinking that you can be seduced by nature or are there many others like myself? Religion holds no interest in me despite having a catholic schooling and upbringing. Materialism is another planet somewhere out in the far distance never entering my thoughts. Walking paths, lanes, tracks where a history of foot prints have left their mark  fascinates me. Natures colours regardless of the season amaze me. I have danced in the mist, ran with the winds, did not just feel the rain i got soaking wet, swam naked in seas, all this I know  as  nature's spirit and breath. After heavy rain earth's perfume enters my very being and soars through my veins like  another entity. I hear the Cuckoo at the end of May I have witnessed salmon leaping, lambs being born along with many  foals, watched a Vixen protect her young,crows turning a bleak grey sky to ink black in their feathery cascade. All this soothes and balms my soul. Standing in stillness, under a big blanket of sky, opening your whole being to the elements and your surroundings.  Awareness will find you and seduce you into realisation that we are at one with nature. Very much like William Blake. "Shewing the two contrary states of the human soul"

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm for the big wide world is great. Myself, I prefer a good warm pub!
    Barman McFly.
